Some areas of Texas are centered in steak, others in Tex-Mex, others in Southwestern cuisine. Corpus Christi is about seafood. Most restaurants will have some kind of seafood dish included on their menu. You, yourself, can go catch a fish or go crabbing and have a restaurant cook it for you, or you can buy fresh shrimp and fish right at the port. As one might expect, then, restaurant seafood served tends to be caught from the bay rather than imported. It’s also often cooked Cajun style. Oriental and Mexican restaurants also have a strong presence.
If Corpus Christi cuisine has a touch of Cajun flavor, the music scene is a little different. This is one of the capitals for tejano and conjunto music. Tejano queen Selena was born here, recorded here, and was eventually murdered here. The fans, and the city entire, still mourn her passing, but the tejano scene continues to thrive. Blues, R&B, and folk are also important genres, and the Texas Jazz Festival plays on every July.