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Quebradas Backcountry Byway

Contact Info
Bureau of Land Management
Socorro Field Office
198 Neel Avenue NW
Socorro, NM 87801-4648



The Quebradas Backcountry Byway is an unpaved county road traversing about 24 miles of rugged, colorful landscapes east of Socorro. Two National Wildlife Refuges are only a few miles from this Byway -- Sevilleta to the north and Bosque del Apache to the south. Much of the Byway includes rolling bench lands that rise above the Rio Grande floodplain to the west and rugged north-south running ridges of alternating bands or red and yellow sandstone, red and purple shale, and white to gray limestone. The Rio Grande and its assocatied vegetation provide important habitat for a variety of wildlife, including mule deer, coyote, bobcat, gray fox, raccoon, porcupine, oppossum, ground squirrel, cottontail, and jack rabbit. Typical bird species you may see include the snow goose, sandhill crane, quail, red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, roadrunner, horned lark, raven and numerous songbirds. The endangered whooping crane is also occasionally sighted along the river. Common reptiles inclue the collared lizard, eastern fence lizard, bull snake, king snake, whip snake, and wesern diamondback rattlesnake. The region includes upper Chihuahuan desert mountain ranges with sparse vegetation. The Quebradas road crosses several arroyos which drain into the Rio Grande. Erosion has created scenic geological settings such as the Arroyo de la Presilla, Arroyo del Tajo, and the Loma de las Canas ridgeline. Many areas along the road contain near vertical, multi-collred cliffs, twisted and convoluted badlands, narrow box canyons, and other topographic landforms. Colorful soils and banding of rock formations can be viewed midway through the drive.

Map + Directions

Basic Directions

The south end of the Byway begins 11 miles east of San Antonio via US 380 at County Road A-129. From the north, take the Escondida exit off Interstate 25 and follow the east frontage road to the north to Escondido Lake. Head east and pass over the Rio Grande. At Pueblito, turn right and head south for about 1 mile to the beginning of the Byway. Turn left and go east and look for the Byway signs and information.

Customizable Directions

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